Castle Acre's World Music Community Choir
The Big Heart & Soul Choir was established in 1997 rehearsing all this time in the great singing acoustic of
Castle Acre Village Hall in Norfolk England.
Singers consist of a friendly core group of founder members along with many others who continue to join,
so that the group generally numbers around forty people from around the West Norfolk area.
The choir usually gives two concerts a year, one just before Christmas and one before the summer.
Current Musical Director Linda Roast has been leading the choir since 2017. We also sing with guest Musical Director Jane Wells, who has been involved with the choir for 17 years. Both Musical Directors usually join forces for the summer concert and bring much to the choir: teaching, rehearsing, conducting, arranging and singing technique skills.
All songs are taught by ear so there is no need to read music and include African, Bulgarian, Georgian, Norwegian, English Folk, Jazz and Pop.
​Above all, the emphasis is on the enjoyment of singing.
The Choir rehearse from 7.15 to 9pm at Castle Acre Village Hall. We are currently working towards
a Summer Concert at St Peter & St Paul's Church, Swaffham Market place on Saturday 20th July
so have lots of songs to learn or revive.
New singers get two free rehearsals to make sure they like us before signing up,
after which, sessions are £6 each week.
Payments for rehearsals are generally by BACS in six (£36) or seven (£42) week blocks.
For more information, contact our treasurer Ginny email: ginny227@icloud.com
Further information on how to become a choir member, please email lindaroast56@gmail.com
Saturday 20 July 2024 at 7.30pm
St Peter & St Paul Church
Swaffham Market Place, Norfolk PE37 7AB
A concert from Castle Acre's World Music Community Choir with songs from different cultures and in different styles.
Musical Directors Linda Roast and Jane Wells.
Tickets available at the door £10 includes a finger buffet, wine and refreshments in the interval.
...and have a great time
Join the choir or come and see our concerts - you will always be welcome.
Our weekly sessions in Castle Acre Village Hall are from 7.15 every Wednesday during term times -
come and see if you like us - your first two sessions are free! Songs are taught by ear and anyone can join in.
We're a supportive group that loves new members.
And once you've settled in, if you want to, you could join us on one of our fabulous weekends away where
we eat delicious food, sing beautiful songs and have lots of fun!
We've been for a couple of great singing trips abroad too!
With previous Musical Director Noralf Mork, who taught the choir for 10 fantastic years, we traveled to his native Norway, singing in Oslo and Bergen. And we’ve been to Corsica, best known musically for its polyphonic choral tradition which is a particular passion of Linda, our current Director, where we sung around Bastia.
Both trips were great fun and we hope to go on more trips in the future!
Other things we often arrange, are guest workshop leaders for special sessions at weekends
which are open to all to attend.
Come and join us.
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Things that we did around lockdown...
Jane Wells has put together a very sweet 5 minute video made from materials emailed to her, showing what some of the choir have been doing around lockdown.
Pussy cats, dogs, swans, vegetables, flowers, crafts, haircuts, walks and views...just some of the activities we've been up to!
16 March 1955 to January 29 2023
Helen was the organiser, fund raiser, comedian and Akela of the choir. She was the heart and soul.
She looked after us for over 25 years and we really don't know what we will do without her.
Her life was the choir and she ruled us with such generosity and fearlessness.
Helen's health began to suffer last year with an unresolved auto-immune problem. She went into hospital in January but unfortunately caught Covid and never returned to sing with us.
Our summer concert was dedicated to her beautiful memory.